That which cannot be spoken

Movements of self-assertion by marginalised communities, through art, film, music or performance, often address the ‘tropes of unsayability’ (Gilroy 1993) produced in the context of exploitation by transforming relations of visibility / invisibility, sayability /… Read More »That which cannot be spoken

(Dis)enchantment of Women and Gender in South Asia: Hermeneutical Engagement to the Poetics of Protests

This talk examines the varied hermeneutical approaches to gender(ed) resistances in contemporary times — varied subversions and alike that builds on strong means of gender resilience and a culture of disenfranchised/subaltern, that escapes the potent… Read More »(Dis)enchantment of Women and Gender in South Asia: Hermeneutical Engagement to the Poetics of Protests

The Alienation of Adivasidom

Adivasi/tribal/Dalit india is a world full of marginalisation and neglect, evoked in journalist P. Sainath’s book, Everybody loves a good drought – the India beyond tourist brochures, of social and ecological devastation, structural violence, mining industry wastelands,… Read More »The Alienation of Adivasidom